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Joe's Favorite Song: What a Wonderful World ~ Louis Amrstrong
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Displaying Critiques 1 to 50 out of 270 Total Critiques.Poem Title | Poet Name | Critique Given by Joe Gustin | Critique Date |
Going forward | Thomas H. Smihula | So succinct and true | 2017-09-07 10:56:38 |
Eyes to See | Mark Steven Scheffer | This sounds to be a lament and a testament to a soul singer in the very language of his music. excellent and entertainin | 2017-01-05 10:47:36 |
Wrong Way on a One Way Street | Michael Bird | Reads like lyrics to a song that might have written for the Stones. Each stanza has a very clever twist on words. A poem of sadness brightly written. Well done | 2017-01-05 10:40:51 |
Something more than nothing | Medard Louis Lefevre Jr. | This poems only begins to explain or does its best to describe the impossible maze of emotions that face us each day. The dizzying dialogue our souls find them selves in each day. You are so able to put to words the pain and confusion that allows other readers to know that they are not alone in this experience. This is where your talent and this poem truly shines. Bravo | 2016-12-24 12:23:57 |
Quite A Bright Show | DeniMari Z. | I really enjoyed the easy flow and rhyme of this poem I am not a lover of winter but I my just need a change of scenery. The magic of good poetry is that we the reader can now say that the gathering of deer on that snow dusted day will be ours to remember too. | 2016-11-12 11:20:45 |
Autumn Tambourines | DeniMari Z. | I could actually feel the flow of this work. Your words like the autumn wind you describe took me on a wondrous ride. The leaf and tambourines reference , pure genius. So my only criticism would be that it was not long enough. | 2016-11-11 15:03:05 |
Morning Scent | Lora Silvey | You really have an interesting way with words. Such a lovely way to wake up in the morning.I like the structure you use in this offering. I see zero problems except wishing I had wrote it. The flow is as easy as the awaking itself. Bravo Lora | 2016-09-17 13:28:20 |
Night's Magic | Lora Silvey | Beautifully described as always. As to your first question, yes I have while reading your poem. I have waved among the trees every time I read this work. I have made the trip a least five times. Tasting passions and being mesmerized moments can be addictive. As to last question, I would say it depends on who your with. | 2016-09-03 11:48:00 |
ENCHANTING SKY | Paul H. Roefs | I feel like I am looking at a worded art work from the Group of Seven. Your imagery here is so complete as if I were standing there witnessing the same sky. Beautiful. | 2016-08-24 17:18:31 |
Music and the Blue Glass Horse | Joanne M Uppendahl | As always you never cease to entertain this reader. The observations you made at two sets the stage for the writer you were to become. The first two stanzas are so delicate in their description as to inspire some possible paths for future poems.From a blue glass horse to the stars was a beautiful ride for this reader. I can only look forward to as yet, unwritten | 2016-07-13 14:02:00 |
As Seasons Grow Cold | Lora Silvey | Rage, rage at the dying of the light. This poem hits those of us in the so called autumn of our years the hardest. Yet you describe this with such a blossoming flare. There is not one boring line in the entire poem. It also seems like something that happens when i experience depression. Hands that can't or wont move a pen or legs to tried to walk within the world it wants to hide from. A really thought provoking poem | 2016-07-13 13:51:28 |
Sixteen Candles | Mark Steven Scheffer | There are hints in this poem as to the timeline of its inspiration. It am thinking the late 1970's. I did not get the Polo Grounds ref. but yes on the rainbow and ashtrays in the hospitals. | 2016-07-02 11:31:30 |
The Long Reach (Detroit, 1967) | Mark Steven Scheffer | Again so many excellent images that draw pictures perfect in their pain. There is a underlying sadness profoundly stated | 2016-06-28 11:02:23 |
Have you Been Called a Homophobe Today? | Mark Steven Scheffer | First time I have ever read a poem that deals with such a subject and you do it with uncompromising zeal. the last two lines are lit matches onto themselves | 2016-06-28 10:56:48 |
Hasher Lady | Michael Bird | I so love the fluidity of action in this poem, it never stops moving. The ending is excellent because you wished you had been a participant rather then just a witness | 2016-06-28 10:35:25 |
So Long Old Friend | Michael Bird | Its always sad when friends drift away more so of course when they are old friends. The hurt of that comes through in this poem in a simple and convincing way | 2016-06-28 10:30:58 |
Skull | Mark Steven Scheffer | Brilliant imaginary as always, "trampoline for poets", "flat earth torso". I have read this piece several times and I take it to be about youth, ageing and dying. I have of course been wrong before. | 2016-06-28 10:27:00 |
Feathers | Joanne M Uppendahl | This poem takes loss to a whole new level or should I say depth. Where the burden, now gone has become the blessing is indeed a cruel strike at the heart. The passage about the bird shot sinks so quickly into the heart of any reader who has experienced the vortex of pain. So beautifully written. | 2016-06-23 20:08:53 |
Woe Will Not Win | DeniMari Z. | I really like how you bring the umbrella to poetic purpose in this poem. I wonder if being a poet gives such persons of trail and pain experiences beyond most to sharpen their perceptions and ability to express them. | 2016-06-05 08:54:44 |
Punitive Damages | DeniMari Z. | I truly think this is one of the best I have read from you. I have had friends like this but your poem gives their perplexing ways words. I have read this poem over and over because of how you so artfully you wrote it. Thanks for an excellent read | 2016-05-22 09:46:36 |
Edges of Eggshells Shaped To Slice | DeniMari Z. | An interesting dynamic between to souls. Your are the rescue the other who is always in need of rescuing. Its as if they need to always need to be low. So like trying to save a drowning person sometimes you have to swim away before they drown you to. Such honesty so clearly stated | 2016-05-15 08:52:39 |
The Rooftop, The End | Regina M. Heller | This is a master work. Like reading a poetic tapestry. Every interwoven phase leading us to right there in a moment in time so many of our generation will never forget. Bravo. It is so good to see your poetic works again. | 2016-05-07 08:47:43 |
Oxbow’s Lament | Lora Silvey | I have read your poem three tines. Each on a different day to catch all of the nuance of this work. I believe its about the north american native and their struggle with the white man. The descriptive is breath taking. I could feel myself as a part of the group in this flight from plight. Your have an amazing imagination. | 2016-04-24 12:16:11 |
They Come Back To Visit | DeniMari Z. | A completely unique take on the loss of a loved one. Sad but with an uplifting message of hope that there is more to life. Your dream is so intricate and told so well. Your son own a red jeep, always the driver and yet not in this dream, is quite a twist. I know this poem will give so many people comfort. So glad you shared it. | 2016-04-19 12:56:34 |
Erte’s Abstraction | Lora Silvey | Wow. Very excellent construction. Like a poetic snowflake made completely of memories. The images are just that delicately written. As your reader I felt so invited,guided to be part of the dance. All in all an beautiful write. | 2016-04-19 12:48:07 |
Lords of the Realm | Mark Steven Scheffer | sounds like an epitaph for the state of poetry that use to be. Beautifully written | 2016-04-07 10:24:30 |
Of the Resurrection of the Dead | Mark Steven Scheffer | Imagination in overdrive, worthy of Poe. Me thinks this would make a excellent graphic novel. | 2016-04-07 10:21:33 |
The Soul Has It's Own Language | DeniMari Z. | Mystical and inspiring. This poem flow like sunshine and rests on this reader soul like rain on a window pane. I think I will go out today and the the elements talk to me. :) | 2016-03-30 13:45:26 |
Remember To Forget | DeniMari Z. | I think this is one of the best you have ever written. Maybe because it is great or that it hits me to close to home. I was thinking the same thing as I hurried home with a poem in my pocket hoping to find it voice tonight. Should I crawl, should I walk, or should I run. Either way this is a brilliant write | 2016-03-26 19:34:09 |
The Rigid Breed | DeniMari Z. | Some highly original lines on a very sad subject. I esp like L8 to to L11. Wow. I hope you speak of others and not your self. I often wonder how many hurts it takes to close a heart, or what event it would take to reopen itself to the world | 2016-03-23 13:11:24 |
Second Chance | DeniMari Z. | I am a big Fan of simply said yet deeply felt. Your poem does this so well. The only way to win at love is to keep trying, despite the crying we have done in the past or risk in the future | 2016-03-21 08:57:52 |
In Safe Hands | DeniMari Z. | Such a lovely poem to read after a very long day. It makes my soul restful just by reading it. I esp fine the lines seven and eight to be inspired. I so now want a hot chocolate to lay down with and let my mind drift away. Thank you. No punctuation needed. | 2016-03-01 21:55:07 |
Cyberstation | Mark Steven Scheffer | Gorgeous writing. Makes me want to take new directions my own poetry. Scars indeed all though healed they still leave ghosts. | 2016-01-23 10:27:02 |
Perhaps We'll Be Back | DeniMari Z. | A very thought provoking poem. So many questions about a mystery that is life. Each stanza begs the birth of more poems."an anatomy mirrored to miracles" is one of my fav. lines. By the end of my reading of your work I wonder what life might be like if we knew for sure the outcome of our souls. All and all a wonderful inspired poem. | 2016-01-23 10:21:27 |
remedy Ills | DeniMari Z. | This is the first Med. poem I have read and I must say very cool. I have several family members who on lots of meds for various ills. We live in a world were pills for ills is the only trick doctors have up their sleeves. A very clever and unique poem esp the opening stanza. | 2016-01-17 08:30:20 |
BUNK HOUSE CHRISTMAS. | kevin Dunn | Now any time I see one of your poems on the critique list I know I am in for a story, and as always a good one. Before I started to read this one I made myself a coffee in my x-mas mug then let your story take me away on it's literary sleigh. I was so easy to form the pictures, see the cowboys,feel the cold and hear the sleigh bells. Thank you for the Christmas ride. | 2015-12-06 08:01:52 |
Anchored By Old Dirty Chains | DeniMari Z. | Nailed it. That which many of us experience and yet can not find the words for. The more you try and brake the chains the more chains seem to appear.Drowning in a ocean of the same issues with the same results. You have explore this in a totally unique way. As a matter of fact while reading this poem I felt the same old dread welling up yet again. Bravo | 2015-11-28 12:02:17 |
"Off To See The World such A Lovely World To See" | DeniMari Z. | I am pretty sure the song you danced to was something from the sound of music. Such a lovely poem to read on a Sunday morning. I liked how you split the poem in the middle to take us else where on this journey. Clever. | 2015-11-28 11:45:59 |
Apply For The Job No One Really Wants | DeniMari Z. | I get it. So many have opinions, and offer simple solutions to complex issues. And yes there's not a lot we can do about it which is at the very heart of terror itself. | 2015-11-28 11:13:40 |
haiku 31 | Wanda S. Thibodeaux | Is this spy code as to where I might meet you in some near future. Please say it is so. A invite by a poet it girl. P S there are no better bragging rights | 2015-11-26 21:56:57 |
haiku 32 | Wanda S. Thibodeaux | While the sun laughs and the stars grin. Wanda you never cease to amaze me | 2015-11-26 21:54:55 |
The Color of Joy | Wanda S. Thibodeaux | I could almost feel the surf while watching the kite. The mark of any great poem is to take the reader with you and you did this in spades. S7 was my fav among all the wonderful stanzas that you create in this work | 2015-11-13 15:55:13 |
A Soldier. | kevin Dunn | So true. My father fought in WWII. but rarely speak of it to any one,even my mother. You treat the subject matter straight on. No sugar No spice just the reality of life in war. Well done | 2015-11-13 15:36:15 |
Inspired Agreement | DeniMari Z. | I feels like I read a Tom Thompson painting.Your words paint an early autumn scene that was so wonderful to walk through kicking up leaves as I go | 2015-11-13 15:31:53 |
STUTTERING JIM HEDGEHOG OF WW2. | kevin Dunn | Now that is an epic poem. The only fault found was that it had to end. Your imagination is in full bloom in this piece. I found my self smiling so many times I lost count. This would make an excellent illustrated graphic novel. Thank you so much for letting this reader fly with the squadron of the Woodland Command. | 2015-11-13 15:28:20 |
EXCUSE ME SIR. | kevin Dunn | So beautiful I want to cry actually cry. My Dad was a vet as was my mother. I have never thought about it the way you presented in tonight. Bravo in the bravest word I can say | 2015-11-12 23:20:58 |
Sweet Mysteries | Wanda S. Thibodeaux | So wow beyond belief. A moment in writing that the writer gets it. Al I can say is wow | 2015-11-12 23:11:23 |
Calista Catherine | Wanda S. Thibodeaux | I swear that I could picture her. Your words made me care from the first Stanza. This poem is as delicate as the person you describe. Beautifully written. I thought you might have been writting about a sister or a close friend as it turns out she was better then both, your Mom. Thank you | 2015-11-01 07:34:22 |
words rush | Wanda S. Thibodeaux | What can I say but WOW. That is a masterful bit of writting. I esp loveL5, L6 & L7. Just a gorgeous poem from head to toe. From stem to stern. | 2015-11-01 07:24:58 |
My Father's Hand (Words of an unborn child) | Wanda S. Thibodeaux | What a warm and wonderful post. This was my first poem to read on this fine Sunday morning. The poem says so much without being political. Using the power of love to make its powerful point. Beautiful | 2015-11-01 07:20:01 |
Poem Title | Poet Name | Critique Given by Joe Gustin | Critique Date |
Displaying Critiques 1 to 50 out of 270 Total Critiques.
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